
A regional conference on the theme of "Blood-Brain Interfaces", will be held Friday September 29th, 2023, in Neurocampus Michel Jouvet (Hôpital Le Vinatier), Lyon Neurosciences Research Center (CRNL), Bron, Lyon, France.


The main goal of the conference organized by the FLUID Team of CRNL and by the research laboratory SAINBIOSE is to favor exchanges between researchers and students interested by this topic and that belong to public and private laboratories of the AURA region.


The conference is open to all, and it is still possible to register here, but the call for oral communication is closed.


We are looking forward to seeing you all at Neurocampus in Lyon September 29 !

Regional conference - blood-brain interf
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Brain Barriers

The blood-brain barrier is located at the brain capillary endothelial cell level, whereas the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier is located at the choroid plexus epithelial cell level. These two cellular interfaces impede the entry of numerous compounds in brain including drugs,. They also regulate immune cell infiltration into the brain. Nowadays, researches are conducted to better understand the cell and molecular mechanisms which regulate the permeability of these barriers.


Mouse brain capillary under confocal microscopy

Endothelial cells / Astrocyte endfeet


Picture given by Gilles Bonvento, UNRS UPR 646, Faculté de Médecine Lariboisière St Louis, Paris

Société d'étude des interfaces Sang Cerveau - Society for the study of Blood-Brain interfaces
